Monday, May 19, 2008

Overpopulation myths

Recently, many of my posts have been about overpopulation, and one might wonder why. Click below for some common overpopulation myths, debunked on


As a citizen of this planet, it only makes sense to ensure a bright future for as many of us as possible; ironically, this involves decreasing our numbers drastically. Talking about overpopulation doesn't do most folks any good because there's no money in decreasing overall consumption. Having as many consumers as possible around is best for government (taxes) and business (profit) in the short term, but in the long term, this will lead to resource wars (more money toward defense spending; again this is good for government). This is a common sense issues we don't talk about because our politically correct society can't admit that a planned population reduction would take away too many 'freedoms' (even though family planning is the intelligent and least invasive path to take). Government figures are mostly useless in that they feel if we are kept happy with TV and entertainment, we won't squawk too much about the real problems; these are not the people who are going to lead us into a future of tough decisions and new cultural heights.

Per the above link, asks and answers a few tough hypothetical questions from our politically correct society in regard to overpopulation:

Each individual is sacred and carries an intrinsic value. For this reason we should not attempt to reduce the overpopulation.

We don't necessarily need to take any human life. Effective methods of reducing overpopulation include family planning, which is 100 % harmless to already existing individuals.

We have no moral right to limit the reproduction of individuals, as this violates basic human rights.

All human individuals are part of the world in which we live, and if we deplete the resources of this planet, many people will find themselves born into poverty. If we make the individual sacred, we defend a careless attitude towards the larger life, including other species that also have the right to exist. We're not the only living creates on this planet; if we care about ourselves, we must also care about the environment that sustains our very existence.

We have more important problems to focus on, like social and economic inequalities.

Aside from the anthropocentric perspective that seems to place the human species above its environment, social and economic problems are closely linked to the problem of overpopulation.

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