Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2081 (or Harrison Bergeron): Film Adaptation on the Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Classic Short Story

I look forward to this movie, but undoubtedly Hollywood will change something or make it all about the relationship between the two extraordinary dancers instead of focusing on the actual point of the story. Still, I'm surprised Hollywood would ever allow this to be produced. Should be an interesting film when compared to the original story.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Georgia Guidestones

What should be easily recognizable as the goals of humanity if space invaders ever actually do land and find a decayed Earth long since vacated of any human civilization, is only insulted and thwarted by those stumbling over each other for more power and more institution:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.


What's almost as interesting as the mystery of the display itself, is the reaction by religious leaders (click on link and scroll down to "reaction" in the Wiki page). Humanity could learn a thing or two by following these new ten commandments.

If SPR Is Wrong, I Don't Wanna Be Right

As usual, Spinoza Ray Prozak, a.k.a. Brett Stevens, has made his point loud and clear over at ANUS.com. I can't say it better than SPR, so I'll include a link and some fun facts from his newest article, "Equality As A Tool Of The Salesperson":

Of course, it was witless this whole time to assume consequences would not arrive. They did, and now thirty years later, we're awakening to the fact that:

- We have eliminated the open spaces natural species need to breed, frolic, hunt and nest.

- We have made toxic most of our air and water.

- We have created ugly, utilitarian cities of square shapes.

- Our societies reward the biggest drama queens because drama is necessary to rise above equality.

- We are entering an age of constant political conflict where unlimited wants meet finite reality.

- We have dumbed ourselves down by insisting on equality instead of rewarding the exceptional.

- Our climate may or may not be getting ready to destroy us -- our authorities cannot agree.

- If you ask any modern person their woes, once you get beyond the car payments and toothaches, you will find that these consequences at the root of their misery. Essentially, the social infrastructure is rotted and has been replaced by social preference, which leads to the lowest common denominator enthroned as the optimum.


Globe Shuts Down Comments; Continues Propaganda

Some of the most controversial recent articles published on Boston.com have had comments shut down where normally, comments from users would soar and draw attention to an article or site. This includes a recent story about a(n) (il)legal immigrant apparently about to lose access to his health care:

State lawmakers deleted money for immigrants’ health insurance as one of many cuts made to balance the budget for the fiscal year that began July 1. Governor Deval Patrick has proposed a $70 million compromise plan that would grant immigrants access to medical care in August, when their coverage ends, through a patchwork of other state programs that health advocates say is spotty and confusing, especially for those who, like Hernandez, do not speak English.

The 30,000 immigrants caught in the middle have “special status’’ in the immigration system. Many have been in the country less than five years and are seeking asylum from war-ravaged regions.

Hernandez, a 51-year-old janitor, said he arrived in the United States on a visa in 1993, a year after a 12-year civil war ended in his homeland. He applied for asylum and was denied, but was able to obtain temporary legal status in 2001 after a series of earthquakes shattered his country.

Besides, his older brothers and a sister in El Salvador needed the money he sent home.


Shouldn't he be prosecuted for sending US cash out of the country?

I'd be a bit more worried about a lifelong US citizen losing access to health care - or, for example, being forced to pay a fine or pay insane amounts of money for health care if they can't prove they have it annually on their tax return. Yet, legal (actually, illegal...with "special status", woo hoo!) immigrants are worried that their state subsidized health care is running out? Too bad. People aren't spending money and the state is scrambling for funds, so just like any business, costs have to be cut when revenues fall, particularly in the short term where budget gaps needs to be closed. Don't these people realize that it takes money to supply anyone with free, expensive services? If the well dries up, who's fault is it?

I almost want to believe that states as high-profile as Massachusetts are doing this on purpose so the Obama administration can continue to push universal health care on us. Almost...not quite there yet.

People like me, lifelong residents of New England, are considering leaving the region over issues like this. A relative of mine can't get any health coverage because she can't find a job, but also has a few grand in her savings account and that's considered too much for MassHealth, so they told her to go spend her money. So the system rewards people who hide any money they do have - or in this case, sending it back to their relatives in another country, which is engaging in illegal activity - and punishes the people who pay into the system when they shop, pay income taxes, or generally PRODUCE something in society via economic activity.

People like Ms. Sacchetti, who apparently disabled comments on this story and is all about illegal immigration, always fail to speak about the tax base and how alienated citizens feel when they have to pay for services given away to illegal immigrants for free. This country was not intended as a safe haven for anyone who lives in a country that has earthquakes (the reason Mr. Hernandez is given special status in the first place, even though he was denied special status during a time of civil war in his country). I guarantee you not one person from L'Aquila is asking the US to take them in because they are in the middle of an "earthquake ravaged region" the way Mr. Hernandez did.

Massachusetts needs to get out of the business of providing for those who don't provide anything back to the state. These are people who are likely working under the table, don't file taxes, and take their cash and send it out of the country, which is illegal. Is it any surprise that when lifelong residents go through rough economic times and start saving their money, that the government scrambles to find ways to continue pumping cash into systems that are unconstitutional and shouldn't exist in the first place? Talk about unsustainable. Time to steer the ship away from the iceberg - hopefully starting with a new governor (only wish Arth wanted to run here).

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Independence Day

Click here for my recent article on Corrupt.org about just how far we've come from the leaders who had the vision to found this great nation. Happy Independence Day!