Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Social Security and Medicare - thanks, US Gov't!!

I understand that Social Security was not meant to be an everlasting institution. But it could have been, is the point, when one considers the prosperity of the US in subsequent years. Instead, our great country and its leaders decided to overspend at every opportunity.

Anyone wanna move to Canada?


[P]ayment of Social Security and Medicare Hospital Insurance (Part A) benefits are limited by law to the balances in the respective trust funds. Consequently, future scheduled benefits are limited to future revenues plus existing trust fund assets. As discussed in Supplemental Information, the Social Security and Medicare Part A trust funds are projected to be exhausted in 2041 and 2019, respectively, at which time they will be unable to pay the full amount of scheduled future benefits. For Social Security, projected future revenues would be sufficient to pay 75 percent of scheduled benefits in 2041, the year of trust fund exhaustion, and decreasing to 70 percent of scheduled benefits in 2081. Similarly, for Medicare Part A, projected future revenues would be sufficient to pay 79 percent of scheduled benefits in 2019, the year of trust fund exhaustion, and decreasing to 29 percent of scheduled benefits in 2081. p. 164-165

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