Monday, April 11, 2011

Not so much on the Wordpress thing...

Below, you used to find a link to this same blog, only at Wordpress.  Well...I'm gonna backtrack on that for now.  This is the new-old home of the Modern Soul blog.

It's not that this blog gets so much traffic, it's that the few people who do trickle in come in via Google searches.  If I'm to share my insanity with the world around me, I might as well keep it right here, in the same rubber room it's been for the past 3-4 years.  Three hundred-plus posts, and I thought it was going to be as easy as switching to a new platform.  No one goes to the new site at all, and only a few people a day come here.  Turns out moving a blog is about as difficult as moving from one's home into a new one...

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